Friday, 30 September 2016

Thumbnails and text ideas

Plastic beach
plastic playground
what a load of rubbish
go back to legoland
plastic doesn't belong here
I don't belong here

pollution -it's not a game
-it's not for playing with

build a better future - build a cleaner tomorrow

something about walking on lego bricks/sand

not the right guy
- right place, wrong time...wrong place wrong time?

something about putting it back in the toybox?

plastic doesn't belong on the beach
If we don't do something about pollution, he'll be the only one at the beach

Everything is Awesome --> Everything is not Awesome
Everything is Awesome - except pollution.

No child's play.

I also made a photographic version:
obviously if we can take an actual photo rather than photoshopping something that'd be great (and also if we want the composition to be anything other than this bird's eye view..), but I think this looks alright?

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

New Concept

I came up with a (slightly) new concept - of the lego man being on the beach rather than just in the sand as rubbish.

Some inspiration:
50 Creative WWF Campaigns That Make You Think Twice | The Design Inspiration:  I actually got the idea from this, by thinking about the lego concept we already had in a slightly different context
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I quickly mocked up the concept:

We need to brainstorm better headlines, and also can explore a lot more compositional options, but this seems like a concept with more direction that what we had initially.

Transmedia examples

Maui safe catch

Geometric exhibition

We're Better Together (Assuming this is from people who took this paper...very cool though)

Some other miscellaneous interesting flyer things:
Image resultImage resultImage resultImage resultImage resultImage result for creative brochure design

Saturday, 24 September 2016

Concepts for Interim


the typography is mostly placeholder at this point.

Rubbish monster:

I did both a dolphin and shark version, depending if we wanted the headline to be something about how it's 'worse than sharks' now, or about how dolphins are dying since everyone likes dolphins

Friday, 23 September 2016

Apple earth

I made an apple into a globe on Thursday after class - this is it after two days. Will probably need it to be fully mouldy for the concept to work well?

I also badly photoshopped some mould onto this last one

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

I haven't been able to get the scanner to work so I've just taken photos of my workbook instead.

This is the ideas for the simpsons exersise, and two we chose to show in the second class.

Thumbnails from earlier this week:

thumbnails from today:

rotting apple idea; along the lines of this, but with the oceans all brown and rotted?
Image result

I also experimented a little with making images out of some of the rubbish we found: