Thursday 6 October 2016

Website concept

I based the layout of this concept on this website - with the fixed sidebar and scrolling content on the side.

I changed the placement of the header and buttons and added the columned text as well.

 the home page doesn't scroll- there's only a small paragraph and some links which go to the learn/events pages. the background would also probably be an image similar to the poster.
the ipad version would be the same, but the sidebar would not be visible unless you click a tab (in line with the logo on the top left corner) which would bring out the menu over top.

learn page - I need to sort out exactly how I divide the information. having four pararaphs in one section doesn't really work? but also it looks weird to not have a title. could possibly add a small image the size of the paragraph beside it?
also- the sidebar is fixed, and the content scrolls. the menu on the side will let you skip to a section.

 resources page - same as learn, but smaller. will have the poster/flyer as downloadable - and possibly a form in the last section to log in/make your own?
-my idea was for this to be the full screen, with the sidebar taking up the left side of the screen, but Leeland interpreted my printed versions as it just being the content - and then there'd be a background behind it? which could also work.
Might also explore having a horizontal header nav instead of the sidebar.

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