Friday 7 October 2016

website text

 figuring out how exactly to sort the info on the website


plastic doesn't belong here / it's not a game / another headline?
Help to keep beaches rubbish-free, the way they should be. 
When we leave litter lying around, it travels out to sea through drains, streams, lagoons, estuaries and rivers. Once in our oceans, rubbish harms and kills sea creatures, who get caught in it or mistake it for food. Toxins from plastics poison our seafood. Learn more, then get involved in hands-on solutions to this problem.

The ocean is turning into a plastic playground.Most plastic pollution at sea starts out on land as litter on beaches, streets and sidewalks. Rain or overwatering flushes that litter through a storm drain system or directly to creeks, streams and rivers that lead to the ocean. After plastics enter the marine environment they slowly photodegrade into smaller pieces that marine life can mistake for food, sometimes with fatal results. Ocean gyres concentrate plastic pollution in five main areas of the world’s ocean and various research groups are bringing back alarming data documenting plastics impacts. 
Simple local actions can help make an impact to solve this global issue.  Join us in protecting the coast and Rise Above Plastics!  Check out the resources, then get involved to help protect the coasts and oceans. 
 Plastic—it's all around us.
It's in our homes, our offices, our vehicles, our yards, our playgrounds. We use it to package food, bottle products, bag produce, make dinnerware and utensils, make toys....Plastics have undoubtedly helped us to manufacture, package and ship goods more easily, for less money, and in some cases more safely than ever before. 
But, plastics pose a significant threat to our planet as well.Part of the problem is plastic itself. The very qualities that make it an adaptable and durable product to use, also make plastic an environmental nightmare. You see, plastics do not biodegrade. Instead they photodegrade - breaking down under exposure to the sun's ultraviolet rays, into smaller and smaller pieces. With the exception of the small amount that has been incinerated, virtually every piece of plastic that was ever made still exists in some shape or form. 

Rise Above Plastics
To reduce the impacts of plastics in the marine environment by raising awareness about the dangers of plastic pollution and by advocating for a reduction of single-use plastics and the recycling of all plastics. We encourage YOU to help address these globlal issues locally with plastic reductions at home, school, work and for your entire community:  What can we do?If we all use fewer products that create rubbish and dispose of what
we use carefully, we can keep our beaches and oceans how they should
be: litter free.
For the rubbish that is already on our beaches the answer is simple: we can pick it up! Beach clean-ups are a great, fun activity to organise for your community.

How can I join an event?Beach Clean-ups are a great way to learn about the issue while being part of the solution. 
poster  > 
flyer  > 
How do I organise my own event?Love your Coast  has a range of videos and downloadable documents that will help you plan, promote and run your own event. Organise your own clean-up through the free Love your Coast site. We have reusable sacks and gloves that non-profits and educational institutions can borrow for free.
Browse Love your Coast for events happening in your area. Or, you can organise your own clean-up! There are also a range of videos and  downloadable documents that will help you plan, promote and run your own event. Love Your Coast also has reusable sacks and gloves that non-profits and educational institutions can borrow for free. 
(do we need the following stuff if it's already on the lyc website?) 
Login (form)Login to your Love your Coast account here. You'll then be able to create events, view and edit your clean-ups and share your results. If you've just signed-up, please check your emails to activate your account. If you do not have a Love your Coast account, sign-up now. 
  • Email
  • Password
  • Remember me next time?
  Customising the resources
 Fill in your event details here and we’ll customize the resources for you to download and use at your own event.

  • Where (address > which beach, street )
  • When (date and time)
  Share your event tell us about how your event went


Who is behind Love your Coast?

This project was started by a collaboration of New Zealand non-profit organisations, including Sustainable Coastlines, Keep New Zealand Beautiful, Sir Peter Blake Trust, Social Innovation and Watercare Harbour Clean-up Trust. The ongoing maintenance of this website and the resources on it is administered by Sustainable Coastlines. [logo]

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